Textbook Adoption

The Cleveland City School System adopts new textbooks and instructional materials in accordance with the Tennessee Department of Education's Adoption and Implementation Cycle.  These adoptions are on an eight-year cycle. 

The State Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission formulates the recommended textbook list and sends it to the State Board of Education for its consideration. Once the State Board of Education has approved a list of textbooks and instructional materials, districts follow procedures as set by the state to adopt these materials.

State Guidelines for Textbook Adoption

The state textbook adoption process is administered in accordance with the statutory requirements as set forth in Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 6, Part 22, and the Rules and Policies of the State Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission. Please see the Textbook Review, Approval, and Adoption Process portion of the Tennessee Department of Education's website for more information.

State Guidelines for Public Reviews and Comments

Parents and community members have the opportunity to review all textbooks and instructional materials bids, submit their comments to the State Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission, and speak before the Commission to review the recommendations from the state advisory panels. The state seeks input from the public through online access provided by the publishers. The department announces when the textbooks and instructional materials are available for public review online during the state textbook review and approval process. The public can view textbooks and instructional materials at the same time as the state review committees are analyzing them, prior to the approval of the books. 

The public can submit feedback on the books and their input is sent to the publishers and the Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission for their consideration during the approval process. 

We are currently inviting families to review the Science textbooks under consideration:

Public Surveys:

The public is invited to view and provide feedback on the approved textbooks and instructional materials. These materials can be accessed online or by contacting Cleveland City Schools to review hard copies currently under consideration by the CCS Textbook Adoption Committee. Additionally, copies will be available for public viewing in the lobby of the Educational Support Center (775 Raider Drive, Cleveland, TN) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, Mondays through Fridays.